Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Play La Marseillaise, Play it.

So, I'm in France. I'm in my little hotel room in Downtown Bordeaux, which is swarmed by rugby fans, and I am finding it difficult to believe that I am here.

What's perhaps more shocking is how smoothly everything went in my travels. Everything from drinking up as much wine as Air France would offer me, to me actually being able to navigate through Charles De Gaulle and make my connection. I even found my hotel without much difficulty, walking around like a stupid and fatigued tourist in a brand new city/country/continent/language.

Along the way I met some helpful and interesting people, not the least of which was the old man in Place Gambetta, who pointed me (mostly) in the right direction to my hotel.

But the day was not without its failures, even though it mostly went perfectly. I have done what I can to use French as the first option when engaging people--- however, for the most part, the response has been a slight smirk, and a response in English. J'espere que je peuvais parler francais juste un peu comme les francais...

Tomorrow I meet up with one of the English teachers at my lycee, and meet up with Evan, who is another assistant with whom I am splitting hotels. That and I hope I'll be able to get out and see more of my new city.


Beth S. said...

Hi Mitchell, so glad to see that you are there safely and seemingly in good, though tired, spirits! Sounds like the French have not changed their attitude toward Americans speaking "their" language - smirk is probably the politest reaction you will get. But in no time you'll blow them away with your command of the language!
It was so good to see you last weekend! Hve an awesome year and I'll check back to keep up on you. Post your mailing address when you get it, please!
Love, Aunt Beth S.

la mama said...

Hey Mitch!

Loved hearing your first comment on the phone this morning. "My goodness Bordeaux is beautiful." Can't wait to hear more.
Lanie, of course, is morose; Jo even more so.
Dad and I toasted you with champagne last night!

Anonymous said...


It is great that you got to Bordeaux! Bill and I are very excited for you. Beware of those crazy Rugby people, Bill is one of them! I can't wait to see your adventures on your blog!


Anonymous said...


Glad, though not surprised, to hear that things are going so well. Quite an adventure. I'm envious.