I really had hope that I would have had reason to write an entry concerning how great FSU was doing on the football field this year. Ah well, reality threw a wrench in that one, and its going to be a long year.
Despite the let downs in Clemson and Tallahassee, I remain optimistic that the coaches will turn it around as the year progresses, I suppose time will tell.
All that aside, My waning time here in the states have been quite pleasant. I've been with my family for most of it, and its been great being back home in Jax before the adventure that is France. My mom and step dad have been very accommodating, and I have spent a great deal of my time either sleeping, drinking or watching scrubs- got to get in as much American culture as I can.
Also, I've been able to see a lot of my Dad and Step Mom as well- he just turned 50... Accordingly there was quite the celebration, which allowed me to see the extended family before I left.
However, I did get one last go around in Tally, and got to see most everyone I wanted to one last time. I really will miss that place, and can't wait to get back next year. Well, I head to France tomorrow, so who knows when I will be able to post again. Whats worse, who knows when I'll be able to watch the Noles. I'm off to be French for a bit.
A bientot mes amis...
Bon voyage!
Bonne chance!
jo says hi
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