Thursday, October 4, 2007


well, i had a long Post mostly all written out, and then I managed to delete my progress.

It had a lot of good stuff about my goings on in Bordeaux last weekend. My assistant's orientation in Bordeaux, and a nice write-up about not being able to return to La Reole until the morning because of my First French Rail strike... But thats all gone.

You would have read about how the people in my school at La Reole have been amazing, they gave me a fridge in the room they also gave me. They helped me set up a bank account, otherwise I would still be there 8 hours later, looking helpless and mumbling quoi...? to myself.

That and someone set me up with the schools laundry equipment, and drove me to a supermarche for some provisions to go with the fridge. So much for the French being unfriendly, eh?

Yeah... well you will never find out about all that due to my carelessness.

but I do leave you with an anecdote.

I started observing classes today at my school, and the students were asking me questions (in English) and it was lovely.

Then, one of the students asks if I spoke French.It is at this point the teacher, who is my responsable, starts laughing, presumably at the thought of me trying to speak French.


And he tried to stop, but couldn't for a while.

Good to have a rep.

Well, sorry for the truncated post. More to come when I feel like it. Love you all, other than those of you who found my blog randomly. But I am at least fond of you.


Me-Ami said...

Ooo, that must suck to lose the whole post. Sounds like you've been having a great experience so far, though. People have been just as nice at my school. Free room, and I eat for 2.40 euros at the cafeteria as well. That must be a nationally regulated price.

. . . You have a favorite French king? I'd never thought to choose a favorite, but I may have to consider it now.

SvenJosefson said...

What up son! Hey I won't be in Lund the 26 through the 29th of October but the weekend before or after sounds lovely.

la mama said...

tres amusant! Amanda is so excited about our trip in December!