My life has been reduced to a series of countdowns for the last couple of months. Most recent of these is (as of today, August 14th) 20 days. No, that isn't when I leave for France, but instead its a much more important day, the first FSU football game. We play Clemson to open the year, on Labor Day, and once again I am in nervous anticipation for the new season. Consequently, it is one of two FSU games that I will be in the US for. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt I will be able to view either in person.
I have to come to grips with the fact that I will be without football americain for a year, other than snipets and scores from whenever i can make it to an internet cafe. This just won't do. I know that to survive I am going to need my sports fix, so I am doing what i can to immerse myself in the ins and outs of European football. I have already adopted my new "hometown team" the Girondins de Bordeaux, who play in League 1, the highest level of French football. I watched their most recent game on saturday, which they won 2-0, and are now tied for the league lead. Of course the season is only two matches old...
Lets not get into Baseball, because while my Braves are just a few games back from the damn Mets, I'll be missing out on the whole playoffs, and the last couple weeks of the regular season. Oh well, these are the sacrifices I make to get to live in France. I'll take one for my teams...
football? what is football? they've never heard of it here. however i have managed to play futbol with 4 locals and a pickup game of basketball with 5. i too shall miss my football americano- playing and watching. sigh.
FSU, huh? I'm a UM alumn (*evil stare*).
I went to a soccer game in Paris once and soon realized my roommate and I were seemingly the only women there. Little scary.
Hi, I just came across your site. My girlfriend and I are considering doing the English Assistant program next year. We both currently live in California -- and I speak French, and she needs to catch up a bit. Would it be possible for me to ask you a few questions about the logistical side of things on this program? Thanks! My email is cfarivar [at] cfarivar [dot] org
So Melissa... in the off chance that its on TV anywhere at all in France, are you going to try to watch the FSU-UM game this year? Wanna put some money on it?
oh, and of course. Go Noles
I'd be happy to watch it if it's playing at any sort of American bar or something. Not sure how likely that is. As for the wager, I was under the impression we'd be broke in France? But hey, what the heck, let's say 5 euros. I like to live dangerously.
... Go Canes!
GO BRAVES! I just found your site from the assistant's webring. I will be in Avignon next year. We can commiserate about missing all those games...Anyways, just a hello from a fellow Braves fan and future assistant.
Americans will never accept football? Maybe thats not the right epiphany. My skype name is svenjosefson
I think the US will integrate football into mainstream sports culture. I say, give it another 15-20 years.
I don't think Football will be as important as the "big three" of American football, baseball and basketball in the US, but I can see it raised to the level that basketball holds now in alot of the world, after years of the NBA spreading the sport abroad.
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